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About Heather, Craniosacral and Remedial Therapist

Hi, Heather here. My goal in all my therapy work is to allow my clients to find their strength, gain knowledge of themselves and to be able to live well within their bodies.

Over 30 years of training in New Zealand, USA, Australia and England have brought me here - a Craniosacral and Remedial Therapist using a wide range of techniques and blended concepts to customise each session to the needs of you, my client.


I have trained as a Remedial Therapist for over 30 years. Every certification and training has grown my skills and ability to help every age and stage of life.

  • CST-T® Certified Craniosacral Therapist (Upledger Institute)

  • CKTI® Certified Kinesio Taping® Instructor - International

  • NASM-CES® National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • CSMC® Certified Menopause Coaching Specialist

  • M.S.T.R® Certified McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Practitioner

  • ATSF Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function

  • MANZ Level 6 Registered Massage Therapist

  • Diploma Aromatherapy

  • ITEC Diploma Massage Therapy

  • Trigenics Practitioner

My two worlds: therapist and dairy farmer

While I work as a Craniosacral and Remedial Therapist in my two clinics, there is also another important part of my world. I am also a dairy farmer and have beautiful big Holstein Friesian cows. They are an important part of my world and keep me grounded.

My joy is to walk amongst them and have big hugs, licks and frequent bunts from them. I take 2-3 months from 20th June each year for calving and dedicate myself to looking after the cows and calves. This is hugely important to me and allows me to have life balance. And yes, I do provide Craniosacral Therapies to my cows and calves!

Let's work together to help you feel better


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